
as far as I can tell, the only other person who's ever tried to make base six into a Thing

another, newer page about base six, including a seximal clock and a seximal calendar

one of several seximal converters out there (edit: or use the one on the bottom of this page! it works for whatever bases you want actually so go nuts. just make sure to enter the bases you want in decimal though)

BASE OFF, a program that helps you decide what base is best for YOUR needs

a huge text file filled with base names

a seximal calculator and a seximal clock for Android devices plus a seximal calendar, all made by Zacharie Deguilhem

an app made for iOS by Henrik Storch

here’s a system of natural units made by p4jo, complete with a conversion calculator and reference documents.

please contact me through twittertumblr, or the feedback section on the main page if you have any questions about seximal or anything you think should be on this website.

here is a WolframAlpha applet that will convert between bases:

and here is a tool that converts seximal numbers into words: