the following is a set of proposed English names for all three nif dozen five RGB colors with five depth, meaning that their red, green, and blue values are all HEX00 (none), HEX40 (a fourth), HEX80 (half), HEXC0 (three fourths), or HEXFF (full).
(brackets on this page are used to show where very dark text is, [like this]. if you can't read text inside brackets, highlight it with your mouse.)
RGB color space is a cube. the eight corners of the cube are [black], white, red, yellow, lime (light green), cyan, blue, and fuchsia.
there are also twelve edges of the cube: pink, maroon, orange, beige, chartreuse, green (light green is called lime, remember?), mint, turquoise, azure, [navy], violet, and orchid.
and of course, there are the six faces of the cube: peach, olive, aquamarine, teal, lilac, and purple.
oh, and let's not forget the inside of the cube, gray!
the 325 (DEC125) colors named here are to these foursy three (DEC27) colors as these thirsy one colors are to the eight cardinal colors.
grayscale tones
white is the English name for this color.
closest HTML color: white (exact!)SILVER - C0C0C0
silver is a light gray metal.
closest HTML color: silver (exact!)GRAY - 808080
gray (also spelled "grey") is the English name for this color.
closest HTML color: gray (exact!)IRON - 404040
iron is a dark gray metal.
closest HTML color: dimgray[BLACK - 000000
black is the English name for this color.
closest HTML color: black (exact!)]
pale colors
corals are aquatic invertebrates that are sometimes pale pink.
closest HTML color: snowSHALIMAR - FFFFC0
shalimar is an obscure name for a very pale yellow.
closest HTML color: lightgoldenrodyellowLILY - C0FFC0
lilies are flowers that are sometimes pale green.
closest HTML color: palegreenONAHAU - C0FFFF
onahau is an obscure name for a very pale blue green.
closest HTML color: lightcyanPERIWINKLE - C0C0FF
periwinkles are pale blue flowers.
closest HTML color: lavenderMAUVE - FFC0FF
mauve is the French word for "mallow", which is a pale purple flower.
closest HTML color: thistlevery light colors
heliotropes are light pink flowers.
closest HTML color: hotpinkPEACH - FF8080
peaches are a light red fruit.
closest HTML color: lightcoral (exact!)MACARONI - FFC080
Macaronian cheese is a light orange colored cheesy pasta casserole.
closest HTML color: burlywoodBEIGE - FFFF80
beige is a color that’s usually like way less yellow than this but honestly I’d like to see you find a better word for "very light yellow".
closest HTML color: lightgoldenrodyellowREEF - C0FF80
reefs are sweet places for cool aquatic lifeforms to hang out in shallow water. they’ve got all sorts of colors in them and this light green is one of them.
closest HTML color: palegreenAQUAMARINE - 80FF80
aquamarines are light blueish greenish gemstones. actual aquamarines aren’t quite this green, but the color people usually call "aquamarine" isn’t very aquamarine colored anyway.
closest HTML color: lightgreenSEAFOAM - 80FFC0
sea foam (sometimes called "spume"??) is light colored foam from the sea.
closest HTML color: aquamarineTURQUOISE - 80FFFF
turquoises are light blueish greenish gemstones.
closest HTML color: paleturquoiseMAYAN - 80C0FF
Maya blue is a light blue pigment created by the Maya people. even though it’s called blue, it’s more of a cyan and hey guess what there’s a word derived from "Maya" that sounds quite a lot like "cyan"!
closest HTML color: skyblueLILAC - 8080FF
lilacs are light blue flowers.
closest HTML color: mediumslateblueWISTERIA - C080FF
wisterias are light purple flowers.
closest HTML color: medium orchidORCHID - FF80FF
orchids are light purple flowers.
closest HTML color: thistlefaded colors
PUCE - C08080
puce is the French word for "flea", an insect which, as we all know, is reddish brown?
closest HTML color: rosybrownSAND - C0C080
sand is a bunch of very small yellowy rocks that show up by water sometimes.
closest HTML color: yellowMANTIS - 80C080
mantises are green insects.
closest HTML color: darkseagreenNEPTUNE - 80C0C0
Neptune is a blue gas giant, the eighth planet from the Sun.
closest HTML color: cyanGUMDROP - 8080C0
gumdrops are dome shaped candies that come in a lot of different colors, including this one.
closest HTML color: blueLAVENDER - C080C0
lavenders are purple flowers.
closest HTML color: fuchsialight colors
strawberries are a pink fruit.
closest HTML color: deeppinkSCARLET - FF4040
scarlet was a red cloth that was super expensive in medieval times.
closest HTML color: indianredCRUSTA - FF8040
crusta is a citrusy sugary alcoholic drink.
closest HTML color: coralTANGERINE - FFC040
tangerines are fruits that look like oranges but much smaller.
closest HTML color: darksalmonCHEESE - FFFF40
cheese is a milky food that’s poison for most people. since it’s made of milk, it doesn’t have much of a color to it, so people usually dye it yellow to make it look tastier.
closest HTML color: yellowPEA - C0FF40
peas are green seeds.
closest HTML color: greenyellowPERIDOT - 80FF40
peridots are green gemstones.
closest HTML color: greenyellowRADIUM - 40FF40
radium is a cool glowing rock Marie Curie found in the year 1 2442.
closest HTML color: limegreenPARIS - 40FF80
Paris green is rat poison people used to use as a paint for some reason.
closest HTML color: mediumaquamarineMARINE - 40FFC0
marine is a word that means "having to do with the sea or ocean". this greenish blue looks enough like the sea to be put in that category.
closest HTML color: turquoiseCELESTE - 40FFFF
celeste is the Italian word for "sky", though if you say it the English way it absolutely is not recognisable as such.
closest HTML color: cyanSKY - 40C0FF
sky blue is the shade of blue that the sky is.
closest HTML color: cornflowerblueSAPPHIRE - 4080FF
sapphires are blue gemstones.
closest HTML color: deepskyblueCORNFLOWER - 4040FF
cornflowers are blue flowers.
closest HTML color: blueGRAPE - 8040FF
grapes are a small purple fruit.
closest HTML color: mediumslateblueAMETHYST - C040FF
amethysts are purple gemstones.
closest HTML color: mediumorchidFLAMINGO - FF40FF
flamingos are birds that eat so much pink stuff that their whole bodies turn pink.
closest HTML color: plumDAZZLE - FF40C0
dazzle is a kinda silly word that means "be confused due to overwhelming brightness", and therefore fits a bright color like this one pretty well.
closest HTML color: hotpinksoft colors
mulberries are reddish berries.
closest HTML color: mediumvioletredMARS - C04040
Mars, "the red planet", is a planet that's mostly red.
closest HTML color: redTUSSOCK - C08040
tussock is a yellowy fire resistant grass.
closest HTML color: darkorangeTURMERIC - C0C040
turmeric is a ginger plant that's sometimes used as a yellow dye.
closest HTML color: yellowSEAWEED - 80C040
seaweed is a greenish plant that grows underwater.
closest HTML color: lawngreenAPPLE - 40C040
apples are fruits that come in a wide variety of colors and flavors. the prototypical apple is red, but green apples have a more distinct color.
closest HTML color: limegreenLILYPAD - 40C080
lily pads are the leaves of water lilies, which are kinda like lilies except they’re in the water.
closest HTML color: springgreenPELOROUS - 40C0C0
pelorous is an obscure name for a soft cyan.
closest HTML color: cyanSTEEL - 4080C0
steel blue is the blueish color of steel that’s been made more rust resistant.
closest HTML color: slategrayPERSIAN - 4040C0
Persian blue is a shade of blue that was used in a lot of Persian art and architecture.
closest HTML color: bluePLUM - 8040C0
plums are a purple fruit.
closest HTML color: slateblueCYCLAMEN - C040C0
cyclamens are light purple flowers.
closest HTML color: fuchsiabright colors
PINK - FF0080
pink is the English name for this color.
closest HTML color: crimsonROSE - FF0040
roses are red.
closest HTML color: crimsonRED - FF0000
red is the English name for this color.
closest HTML color: red (exact!)VERMILLION - FF4000
vermillion (also spelled "vermilion") is an orangish red pigment.
closest HTML color: orangeredORANGE - FF8000
oranges are an orange fruit.
closest HTML color: darkorangeAMBER - FFC000
amber is brightly colored fossilized syrup.
closest HTML color: coralYELLOW - FFFF00
yellow is the English name for this color.
closest HTML color: yellow (exact!)SPRINGBUD - C0FF00
spring buds are an early part of the budding process flowering plants go through in the spring. they’re typically light green, like this.
closest HTML color: greenyellowCHARTREUSE - 80FF00
chartreuse is a French liquor that’s unappetizingly green for some reason.
closest HTML color: chartreuseHARLEQUIN - 40FF00
harlequins are what rich Italians in history times thought of the working class. they’d say foolish things and wear silly green checkered clothes, those silly poor people.
closest HTML color: olivedrabLIME - 00FF00
limes are a yellowish green fruit. you might notice that this color isn’t actually very yellow. in fact, it’s literally just light green. however, this particular light green is already called "lime" in HTML, so that’s what it’s called here.
closest HTML color: lime (exact!)FLUORESCENE - 00FF40
fluorescene is a very uncommon and very cool name for fluorescent dye, a type of pigment that glows in the dark.
closest HTML color: mediumseagreenMINT - 00FF80
mint is a reverse spicy flavor that comes from a family of plants with a particular shade of green leaves.
closest HTML color: springgreenAQUA - 00FFC0
aqua is Latin for "water", which is basically this color. in HTML, "aqua" means the same thing as "cyan" for some reason.
closest HTML color: mediumaquamarineCYAN - 00FFFF
cyan is the English name for this color, halfway between blue and green. this exact shade of cyan is called both "cyan" and "aqua" in HTML interchangeably. this naming scheme uses "cyan" for this color because of the CYMK subtractive color system standard in most printers.
closest HTML color: cyan (exact!)DENIM - 00C0FF
denim is a blue fabric used for strong pants and really cool jackets.
closest HTML color: deepskyblueAZURE - 0080FF
azure is the English name for this color, halfway between cyan and blue.
closest HTML color: slate grayRIBBON - 0040FF
ribbon blue is an obscure name for a blue with a barely noticeable cyan tint.
closest HTML color: steelblueBLUE - 0000FF
blue is the English name for this color.
closest HTML color: blue (exact!)IRIS - 4000FF
irises are blueish flowers.
closest HTML color: rebeccapurpleVIOLET - 8000FF
violets are blue.
closest HTML color: slateblueBYZANTINE - C000FF
Byzantine is the name of an empire from ancient history and a purple from modern history.
closest HTML color: mediumslateblueFUCHSIA - FF00FF
fuchsias (they really have no business not being spelled "fuschias" but whatever I’m not a botanist) are pink flowers. this exact shade of pink is called "fuchsia" and "magenta" interchangeably in HTML. this naming scheme uses the name "fuchsia" because it’s objectively better.
closest HTML color: fuchsia (exact!)MAGENTA - FF00C0
Magenta is an Italian town where some French people killed some Austrian people in 1 2335. in celebration, some French guy decided to rename the pinkish purple dye he originally called "fuchsine" after it.
closest HTML color: deeppinkdull colors
LOTUS - 804040
lotuses are reddish flowers.
closest HTML color: red
MUD - 808040
mud is what happens when dirt gets wet.
closest HTML color: olive
GOBLIN - 408040
goblins are evil little green men who may or may not be magic.
closest HTML color: lime
VERIDIAN - 408080
viridian is a dark greenish blueish pigment.
closest HTML color: darkcyanCERULEAN - 404080
cerulean is the English name for a dark shade of sky blue.
closest HTML color: blueTHISTLE - 804080
thistles are dull purple flowers.
closest HTML color: darkmagentadim colors
MONZA - C00040
monza is an obscure name for a dim shade of pink.
closest HTML color: crimson
CRIMSON - C00000
crimson is the English name for a strong shade of red.
closest HTML color: darkredFIRE - C04000
fire is the hot thing.
closest HTML color: saddlebrownGOLDENROD - C08000
goldenrods are yellow flowers.
closest HTML color: orangeredGOLD - C0C000
gold is a shiny yellow metal.
closest HTML color: yellowPISTACHIO - 80C000
pistachios are greenish nuts.
closest HTML color: olivedrabAVOCADO - 40C000
avocados are the reason millennials aren’t buying houses.
closest HTML color: darkolivegreenEMERALD - 00C000
emeralds are green gemstones.
closest HTML color: forestgreenMALACHITE - 00C040
malachites are blueish green gemstones.
closest HTML color: seagreenGRUE - 00C080
grue is a word used to translate languages that don’t distinguish between green and blue.
closest HTML color: mediumseagreenROBINSEGG - 00C0C0
robin's eggs are light blue eggs that sometimes have robins in them.
closest HTML color: darkcyanLOCHMARA - 0080C0
lochmara is an obscure name for a dark shade of cyan.
closest HTML color: steelblueCOBALT - 0040C0
cobalt blue is a blue pigment made of cobalt.
closest HTML color: steelblueLAPIS - 0000C0
lapis lazulis are blue gemstones.
closest HTML color: mediumblueINDIGO - 4000C0
indigo is the English name for a dark purplish blue.
closest HTML color: darkslateblueTYRIAN - 8000C0
tyrian purple is a purple dye that was used by nobility in history times.
closest HTML color: darkslateblueCERISE - C000C0
cerise is the French word for "cherry", which is a pink fruit.
closest HTML color: darkmagentaFLIRT - C00080
flirt is an obscure name for a darkish shade of pink.
closest HTML color: crimsondark colors
SIREN - 800040
siren is an obscure name for a dark shade of pink.
closest HTML color: crimsonMAROON - 800000
maroon is the English name for this color, dark red.
closest HTML color: maroon (exact!)MAHOGANY - 804000
mahogany is a real nice looking type of wood.
closest HTML color: saddlebrownOLIVE - 808000
olives are a dark yellow fruit.
closest HTML color: olive (exact!)IVY - 408000
ivies are trees that have leaves that look sorta like this.
closest HTML color: darkolivegreenGREEN - 008000
green is the English name for this color.
closest HTML color: green (exact!)JADE - 008040
jades are blueish green minerals.
closest HTML color: seagreenTEAL - 008080
teal is the English name for this color, dark cyan.
closest HTML color: teal (exact!)PRUSSIAN - 004080
Prussian blue is a blue pigment that was once used by the Prussian army.
closest HTML color: steelblue[NAVY - 000080
navy blue is a dark shade of blue used by the British navy.
closest HTML color: navy (exact!)]
REGAL - 400080
regal purple is a dark purple historically associated with royalty.
closest HTML color: indigoPURPLE - 800080
purple is the English name for this color.
closest HTML color: purple (exact!)very dark colors
[BROWN - 400000
brown is the english name for this color, very dark red.]
closest HTML color: maroonSEPIA - 404000
sepia is a yellowy brown pigment that used to be used for writing.
closest HTML color: oliveFIR - 004000
firs are trees that have leaves that look sorta like this.
closest HTML color: darkgreenCYPRUS - 004040
cyprus is an obscure name for a dark shade of cyan.
closest HTML color: darkslategray[MIDNIGHT - 000040
midnight blue is the color the sky is in the middle of the night.
closest HTML color: navy]
[BLACKBERRY - 400040
blackberries are dark purple berries.]
closest HTML color: purple